Welcome to the
Swiftwater Foundation
About Us
Engage, Inform, Educate
The Swiftwater Foundation was formed by residents of the local community with headquarters in Roslyn, WA. Our mission is to serve the greater Cle Elum area with programs that engage, inform and provide learning opportunities for community members of all ages.
We are organized and operated exclusively for public information and education under the tax exempt requirements of the Internal Revenue Code Section 501(C)(3), and we explicitly exclude religious and political activity.
“Tell me and I forget,
Teach me and I may remember,
Involve me and I learn.”
- Benjamin Franklin
Key Values
Community First

Community Engagement
Our goal is to serve all members of the community, which includes collaborating with local organizations including public and private schools, city councils, public organizations and local businesses

Opportunity Awareness
Every member of the community, from preschoolers to seniors, should have access to programs for learning and growing. Providing awareness to local learning opportunities is key.

Special Projects
The Swiftwater Foundation is proactive in addressing community needs, and when necessary, will independently initiate and produce projects and programs to address those needs.